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Sunday, March 6, 2011


There are many things that can be rewired, circuit boards, breaker boxes, car stereo and many other material objects. How about the way we think? Or the way we process thoughts. Well there are many opinions out there, but we are going to take the path of least resistance(how about that, it relates to electricity). Yes is the answer. If you are opposed to this then maybe you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are ready to change what your really thinking about or how you are thinking about things.
Let's say you want to get a new stereo for your car, for guys(some) you go down to your local electronics store(because it's about instant gratification) and you purchase a really nice deck with all the bells and whistles. For the women you as well. For this situation lets say you go down there and purchase a radio and instead of getting it installed professionally you decide to install yourself. Everything seems to go find and dandy(just like a regular day at the office) then you get to the wiring part. You follow your instructions(similarly to your sales training) but then as you get to the more complex parts of the wiring(say objection handling in sales, or negotiation) you cross a wire and get a short. Now your radio doesn't want to work. So know you are driving down the street with a radio that turns on and off every time you go over a bump(just like the objection handling and negotiation that happens in your sales process). You need to get the wiring done all over again. And that is ok, we are human and we make mistakes, the idea is to learn from these mistakes. If you find that you are doing the same mistake over and over. Reach out and get the training you need. If you like to work on electronics you obviously need to go to school to learn all the intricate details of how to wire tech stuff. Well we would say the same thing about sale. We simply teach and supervise the cold calling aspect of sales. Yes you need the training. But this is a good thing remember.
OK so are you done suffering? This is why you are reading this right now thinking "I am really dreading work tomorrow". Why does it have to be work, as the narrator of this message let me ask you something " Isn't this your career that you picked?" better yet "Did you get into this to make lots of money thinking it was going to be easy" C'mon people let me take you out of this nightmare. You thought it was it going to be easy, it can be. You have to get the right ammunition to fit the right gun for you to go out and hunt the right kind of game.
Is there that same loop running in your head? You know the one that is telling you to skip work tomorrow. The one that tells you to get another job. STOP... DROP...And ROLL-out of bed and take charge of your attitude and your thoughts. You are sitting in the very spot that you put yourself in... think about it, all the decisions that you have chosen in your life time have led you to this very moment. If you disagree then you would be sitting somewhere else reading a different blog. I know it's not easy to do or say but it can be if you make an effort. It starts with one decision, then it takes one action, then commitment, then you are in movement... soon you are on a new path.
What???? well you want a new path. Lets look at a locomotive. It can more hundreds of thousands of pounds of material and equipment. The locomotive doesn't questions its own existence(even if it could) all it knows that if it starts off slow that it will eventually pick up momentum and soon enough be on its path to deliver its goods to its final destination. We know that you can do the same. If you want to return to the gym start off slow. You will get on that track soon enough. If you need a conductor(trainer) higher one. You want to be a better cold caller(great at prospecting) hire V.I.P.'s (Very Important Prospecting, Inc.)we will take you there.
Don't be hard on your self, please! the world is hard enough on you. The last thing you need is to bring yourself down. Keep in mind the energy that you are placing in front of you, the negative Nancy in the office or Negative George (making it up as we go) this is detrimental to your success. But here is the big test, what if you are the Negative Nancy or Negative George? Fix it. Think about what you are going to say before you say it. You might be your own worst enemy. We don't have a problem telling you if you are. We do it to make you a better person and to empower you, not to degrade you. It's about wiring your thought process to help yourself to help others.
Get going:
There is no better time that right now.
Thought+Decision+Commitment+Acti0n=Momentum=Path of least resistance= Happier you!

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