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Monday, February 21, 2011

Plugged In

On Scene:
In recent conversation there was a thought that was brought up about all the technology that is available at our fingertips. The comment was “Are you plugged in?” As the conversation launched and there was words tossed back and forth like a friendly game of tennis, both parties were fully engaged with one another. We thought WOW!! now that is being “Plugged In”. Or is it?
It set in like a rapid thunderstorm, with all the social media outlets and facets there are so many ways to be “Plugged In”. The question is brought up, “how are you plugging in using today’s technology”? Would you agree that it’s using the right outlet? The proper method to communicate with your audience, either of one or many.
Use the proper channels to be in the moment. To engage with your audience. The focus of VIP’s training is to master a certain niche, a specific trait that will help you become a master of your craft. For us it’s the art of cold calling/prospecting.
Example: A professional race car driver might do what we think is simple laps on the course, but(yes there is a but) he/she has practiced day in and day out to know how the car is going to handle(the anticipation of the clients needs) how the car is going to respond to the drivers mannerisms(your clients reactions to your sales process). Feeling the way the car moves and anticipating the direction of the car(you’re intuition of the objections you’re going to get).
“Plugged In”:
It can mean a lot of different things depending on who you are talking to. What’s important to you? Once again we want to focus on you not going against the grain, if you are a powerful networker keep it going. If you are a powerful phone prospector keep that going too. If you are going to implement something new do it in MODERATION, that way you don’t get discouraged. It’s like going to the gym, if you give it all you have the first day especially if you haven’t done it in a while you won’t go back for a long time. Once again take it in moderation. Plus you will enjoy it better as time goes on.

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