Here is our opinion, If you're in any form of a business that presents, sells your product or services to an audience please, please take down your "No Soliciting" sign down. It really is an embarrassing sight to see. Why? because it's in this writers opinion if that you are selling something you cannot stand there and push a product and not allow someone to solicit you. It's really a matter of principle. You're really sending out a wrong message about you and your business. Your saying to your prospective client I can sell to you but there is no way in heck that you can sell to me. What if your next prospective client has a client that can be your next whale? How nice would it be for your client to know that he can pitch/present to you.
We welcome solicitors: with a few common rules.
1. Be polite
2. Have some courtesy
3. Ask if we have time to talk
4. No reason to be pushy
5. Get to know us
6. Find out if we really need your services
7. Listen
Wait a minute... These are some of the same principles that we teach. Hummm
We could go on and on about how things can and should go on but we are not here to preach, just here to point out the obvious
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