There was a young man talking about “the moment”. Thinking about the actual “present moment”. How does that relate to us? He said “If you commit to one moment, the next moment instantly reveals itself to you, you really don’t have to work hard at it, if one moment is true the next moment reveals it’s self to you and the next moment again reveals itself.” and so on. Lets say you are standing in a work out position leaning over and touching your toes(try it), then as you begin to stand up straight your back(vertebra’s) are aligning one vertebra at a time until you are standing straight. Simple observation right? Lets analyze…
You start in the workout position standing tall and leaning over touching your toes. As you begin your journey back to the top(standing up straight) you decide to deviate from your commitment and begin to turn(not deal with the objections in sales) or get distracted(in a relationship maybe look at another man or women) then as you continue to your journey to the top you begin to feel pain(in sales it’s not paying attention to your techniques/transaction flow)(in a relationship it’s the “why did you look at her/him”) well it looks like you did not commit to each moment. As you continue your journey to the top you feel nothing but pain and discomfort. It can be felt personally or professionally, why is that?
Pay attention, commit to the moment so as you continue your journey to the top, you’re not going to feel any pain or discomfort using the right technique. Working with a personal trainer(Sales its VIP’s) allows you to learn the right technique so you don’t get hurt. We understand pain and discomfort we know that you don’t want to feel the rejection (throughout the sales process). Don’t let your ego stand in your way of achieving great things, then you begin to take short cuts. you begin to say I can workout on my own(yes we know you hit the gym for a day and then never go back) but guess what? Every month you continue to pay for that membership to a place that you never visit. Next time talk to that personal trainer(professionally we are here too) to get the right techniques(Sales training) down and then when you are ready to go out on your own you will be ready.
The hardest thing to do is to ask for help, we know. That is why we cold call, because it’s easier to ask if someone needs help. Next time you are out in town and you see someone who needs help(you know this because you are observant) ask them. You will feel great for helping, and they will be grateful for you asking.Step out of your comfort zone and be bold, and do it with style not arrogance. Try this, on your birthday if you go get your car washed or maybe at some random place like a yogurt shop ask them if they give away anything for a birthday, there could be a surprise with what they say.
It takes the same amount of energy to be happy than it does to be sad. What do you want? We want you to be happy.
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